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5/4 piano brushes


This duet for drum set and piano was composed by Julio Sánchez-Andrade and Óscar Camacho, and is a piece designed to be played exclusively with brushes, incorporating resources such as the hits “tap”, different types of circular, semicircular and linear sweeps, effects like “rim-flex”, “zonk”, “click sound”, etc. It can be used as a summary of the sound, expresivity and musical possibilities of the brushes, exposed in the different treated styles.

The predominant rhythm for the piece (either in “stright” or “swing”) is the five/four time signature -hence its title-, but also appears the three/four time and other binaries to perform the “up-tempo” (very fast), samba and funky.

Due to the fact that it is not frequent to find duets for drum set with accompaniment of piano, this piece intendeds to help to expand the written literature of this instrument.