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- Miguel Fernández Gutiérrez, special thanks for his effective recording, edition and production of the audio and video.
- Óscar Camacho Morejón y David Casillas Rivero, for their inspired musical performance.
- Luis Vallina García, thank you for all of your help and advice; for the original design of the web, graphical ideas, logo, anagram, drawing of the front page, etc.
- Miguel Moro Vallina, for his professional production of the web page.
- Bruno Sánchez-Andrade Nuño, Deva Sánchez Nuño, Keneth Jolls and Jessica Siegel Weaver, for their translations to the english and suggestive ideas.
- Conservatorio Superior de Música de Asturias, CONSMUPA, for allow us to use his auditorium.